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5 of the best gymnastic gifts this Christmas

5 of the best gymnastic gifts this Christmas

Are you struggling to think of what to get someone in your family this Christmas? 

Have you considered shopping for some gymnastics gear? We have a great selection at Newitts.com,
which may be popular for the whole household during the festive break... and afterwards of course!

Below we have listed here 5 top buys!

  1. A GYM MAT 

A gym mat is one of the most important gymnastic accessories. It is a really useful present to be able to practise rolls, handstands etc. safely. They also provide comfort and a safe environment for people who are training. They are great for physical play and also for a gymnastic workout.

 At Newitts.com our Beemat Annapurna Gymnastics Mat is a popular purchase. 

The Features:

  • Warm and soft to touch.
  • Smooth and soft surface.
  • Easy to clean.
  • Hard-wearing
  • Long lasting.
  • Lightweight
  • Easy to carry 

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The mats are made from a unique PVC foam for excellent shock absorbency.

They have a high integral high grip base welded into the foam.

With no glue joints to split, these mats are exceptionally durable.

The foam is much softer and achieves better shock absorbency than the old-fashioned chip foam equivalent. 


Gymnastic mini trampettes are great for indoor use. They can be adjusted to height suited to age and ability. They also offer a variety of exercises when used in combination with a gym mat. Using a mini trampette is a great way to get your heart pumping. They are a beneficial training and leg-strengthening tool. They can be great fun as well as being a great form of exercise. 

At Newitts.com our Mini Trampette is also a popular product amongst customers.

The Features:

  • Solid bed.
  • Fully adjustable.
  • Overall size 115 x 115cm.
  • Mini tramp bed size 56cm x 56cm.
  • For indoor use. 

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The trampette is an angled trampette on a steel frame with rubber cables.

It conforms to BSEN 13219:2008 Type 2, which has a test loading of 350N (approximately 350kg).

It is great for improving balance and coordination.

It is low impact but a great cardiovascular work out.


A balance beam is a great one for working on your balancing, jumping, cartwheeling and other skills. It can be quite competitive and great fun to use. The balance beam needs the user to use precise movements, starting with easy movements (walking forwards) and eventually moving on to advanced skills such as tumbling. 

 At Newitts.com our Beemat Balance Beam Pink is a popular

The Features: 

  • Wipeable and easy clean.
  • 100mm wide top non-slip surface.
  • Also available in red.
  • Quick to lay down.
  • Easy to store.
  • Lightweight high-density polyethylene foam inner.  
  • Flame retardant heavy duty PVC coated nylon outer cover.
  • Non-slip base surface.


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The beam is perfect for training new skills in a safe and fun way.

It is used for balance and precision, skill repetition, enhancing progression, pre-school gymnastics and home gymnastics

It can be used for jumps and leaps, balances, spins, forward rolls, cartwheels, backwards and forwards walkovers, flicks and somersaults.

It has a hook and loop fastening system to attach one or more beams together for added challenge.

It Complies with BS1892, the gymnasium equipment standard. 


A training block is a fantastic gymnastic aid. They are a useful tool to help you improve agility, coordination flexibility, strength and timing. 

 At Newitts.com at Beemat Mini Mailbox Gymnastic Training Block is a popular seller


  • Helpful in teaching handsprings, backflips and dive rolls.
  • Perfect for teaching skill development.
  • Convenient carry handles.
  • Easy to move about.
  • High quality, polyether foam inner.
  • Flame retardant heavy duty PVC coated nylon outer cover.
  • Wipeable and easy clean.
  • UK manufactured.


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The training blocks are an affordable gymnastic training aid.

They help with the teaching of dive rolls, handsprings and backflips.

They are sturdy enough for children to push off whilst also soft enough not to cause injury if collided into. 


An incline wedge is must have in the gymnastics world. It is a useful tool for teaching rolls. They are great for physical play and also for a gymnastic workout. 

At Newitts.com the Beemat Gymnastic Incline Wedge Blue is a beneficial buy.


  • Invaluable tool for gymnastics exercise.
  • Carry handles at both sides.  
  • Designed with input from top-level coaches.
  • Dimensions 1200mm long x 600mm wide x 250mm high.
  • Weight 3.5kg approx.
  • UK Manufactured. 

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The wedge is an ideal resource for pre-school gymnastic preparation, teaching forward rolls, backward rolls, pencil rolls and cartwheels, general play.

It can be used to compliment other apparatus.


Are there any others types of gymnastics equipment that you would like to see available to buy?



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