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8 Reasons to go for a run TODAY!

8 Reasons to go for a run TODAY!

The New Year has started and many of us are thinking it is time to engage in some physical activity after all the indulging during the festive period. On this page we have compiled some reasons why you should choose running as your physical activity.

1. To start with, quite simply, running improves your general and physical health. It is good for your health and strengthens your joints. Regular running can help decrease a number of potentially serious illnesses such as heart disease and diabetes.

2.Running is also a very cheap and accessible activity. You do not need to spend a fortune on a whole load of equipment but a good sturdy pair of running shoes is important and will make you feel more comfortable when running. 

3. If you run on a regular basis, you will improve your heart’s and your lung’s health. You can also help to maintain a healthy weight and even shed a few excess pounds. Running can help you to keep your weight goals on track and burn calories. This must be done alongside a healthy diet though!

4. Running is actually good for your brain too! It can make your mental health much better by boosting your self-belief and confidence. For example by achieving a new running target and achieving a goal can make you feel great! It is also believed to help you fight against negative thinking and depression.

5. Running can also help you de-stress from the hustle and bustle of a busy life style and give you a much-needed break from the humdrum of daily life and pressures. It is a great a way to lower those stress levels!

6. You can run pretty much anywhere. Indoors, outdoors, winter, summer, you name it – you can do it! You do not need an expensive gym membership for running. The fresh air can also help to lift your mood and is free! Have you had a look at Park Run?

7. You can also run on a variety of terrains. A quick way to build up your endurance is to pick a hill and work on interval training on it. Walking first, then a combination of walking and running to eventually more running than walking and then finally just running!

8. It is a flexible activity as you can do it at most times of the day and you do not have to do it alone. Running can be very sociable event, which you do not need to spend a lot of money on if you do not want to!

Why don’t you giving running a go TODAY?


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