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Joining a gym

Joining a gym

Gyms have many benefits. They often have the latest fitness machines and equipment. They can be social and they can help you to achieve your fitness goals. However they can be a costly outgoing in your monthly budget. If you go frequently, however it can be money well spent. It is worth having a look and asking about a couple of gyms in your area. You should undergo a trial session before investing in a membership.

The pros of joining a gym
1. Is a great way to get you working towards achieving your fitness goals
2. You can start a regular fitness programme.
3. There are a great variety of activities in a gym.
4. Gym can help with strength, power, flexibility, mobility, posture etc.
5. Gyms are suitable for beginners and those looking for a really tough workout.
6. They are great for your mental and physical wellbeing.
7. There are professionals available to give you advice.
8. It is sociable.
9. Some gyms have spa facilities to enjoy after your workout!
10. You are indoors so the bad weather and dark nights will not put you off.
11. Gyms are open all year round.
12. Gyms usually offer lots of different classes.
13. By having a fee to pay, it can motivate you to ‘get your money’s worth’. You are paying to improve your fitness and health.
14. Lots of gym equipment has heart rate monitors so you can see that you are working at a beneficial level.

The cons of joining a gym
1. They can be costly.
2. They can be busy at times so you may have to wait or speed through your routine.
3. They may not have every facility that you want.
4. You can workout from home.
5. You may feel like you are being watched.
6. The environment may not be as enjoyable as say running outdoors.
7. It can make your working day feel much longer by the time you get home.

Top tips
• Gyms can be quieter in the summer when people decide to exercise outside more often.
• You could try and get a tour of the gym so you can ask any questions about what the gym has on offer.
• Some gyms may offer discounts and incentives in the New Year but if it is what you need right now, do not wait until a particular time of the year. You will achieve your goals faster by joining sooner.
• You could have a session at the gym before you sign up.
• Are the gym and the equipment clean? How about the changing rooms?
• Why not ask for help so you can achieve your goals. You can usually get a basic start up included in your membership or could pay additionally for a personal trainer.
• Think carefully about location. Is close to home best for you, or work? If you live at one side of the city and work at the other you might want to join a gym that has multiple locations. Do you need childcare facilities at the gym? If its classes you are interested in, have a look at the timetables and see what meets your needs. Remember classes can be an extra cost.
• By signing up to classes or a personal trainer, this can help you to keep on track with your goals.
• You can make new friends and motivate each up by doing group sessions.

Gyms are a great investment into your health and wellbeing and can be positive lifestyle change.



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